We share with you many Jesuit resources so that you can see all that Ignatian Spirituality entails.
America Magazine
America Media interprets the church for the world and the world for the church. We are a forum for discussion of religion, society, politics and culture from a Catholic perspective.
Jesuit 101
Learn what Jesuits do in the modern world. Jesuits all over the world are doing amazing work using Ignatian spirituality as a foundational guidance.
Loyola Press
Learn everything about Ignatian Spirituality. Learn what is Ignatian Spirituality, Ignatian Prayer, Making Good Decisions, Ignatian Voices and the Dotmagis Blog.
St. Francis Xavier
Watch a PBS documentary on the life of 16th century explorer and saint, St. Francis Xavier. Video Credit to Fr. Jeremy Zipple, SJ.

St. Ignatius of Loyola
St. Ignatius of Loyola is the founder of the Society of Jesus, an order of Catholic priests and brothers that have created the largest global network of colleges, schools, and universities known for academic excellence.

The Examen
St. Ignatius Loyola's Examen is an opportunity for peaceful daily reflective prayer. It invites us to find the movement of God in all the people and events of our day.
The Jesuit Post
The Jesuit Post (TJP) is an online media platform that offers a Jesuit, Catholic perspective on the contemporary world.
TJP is a project of Jesuits in formation.
The Jesuit Post:
Ignatian Discernment
The Jesuit Post (TJP) is an online media platform that offers a Jesuit, Catholic perspective on the contemporary world.
TJP is a project of Jesuits in formation.
Thinking Faith
Thinking Faith is the online journal of the Jesuits in Britain. Explore our website to find articles and reviews which will help you think about your faith and think, through your faith, about the world.
Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAPs)
The Universal Apostolic Preferences are the fruit of a process of discernment lasting almost two years. The Preferences give a horizon, a point of reference to the whole Society of Jesus.
Xavier U Resource Bank
Find many more resources including podcasts, keynotes, prayers and much more at Xavier U's Jesuit resource page.